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Social & Crime

Our vision is to develop and apply AI-based innovations and solutions to tackle the social challenges impacting the world. We have develop AI based applications for the society covering broad range of domains like Healthcare, Finance, Highways and Security. Some of the real life examples of our AI based solutions are diagnosis of cancer patients whose life is at risk, adverse of effect of whether conditions on Asthma patients, fraud detection for the finance firms, facial recognition & locating criminals, accidents & casualty prediction, detection of pot holes to prevent accidents.

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Clustering of Crimes

Our AI based application prediction model with GIS technology together helps in clustering the data. Clustering of crime data will eventually help in predicting crimes occurrence in specific localities in a city, the category of crime, the area of the crime, and the combination of the two data sets can give quality insight about the crime-prone areas within a city or a locality.


  • Helps in predicting frequency of happening of crime in a specific area.
  • Helps in crime pattern recognition and the criminals involved in it.
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Crime Rate analysis

The utilization of our AI enabled App and Machine learning model enables the government to do the statistical analysis of the crime rate in a specific city or a locality. Here, Machine learning plays a vital role in analyzing the crime rate depending on various variables like crime type, city, geographic location, gender etc. This will help the government to deploy police at most likely places of crime for any given span of time, to allow most effective utilization of police resources .

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Crime Pattern

We are identifying the Crime pattern by data mining using clustering techniques. Our machine learning model will be able to identify the crime patterns from large amount of data sets. It defines repeating patterns of crime at different interval of time of a day. For the accurate results of crime pattern analysis, one should have accurate data, correct values, complete information, efficient data mapping methodology and exact GIS location .

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Understanding GEO and Time Related Crime Data

Criminal spatio-temporal pattern analysis provides geo- and time-related crime data. Our Machine learning model identify patterns from the dynamic interaction among space, time and crime. Occurrence of crime in an urban area is random and unevenly distributed, but our model will implemented with data mining framework works helps to improve the productivity of the detectives and other law enforcement officers.


CARE (Crime and Abuse Reporting Environment)

Face Recognition

Facial Expression Detection
